Membership Renewal
Friends of the Wanamaker Organ Membership Renewal Page
Renew your membership for 2025 here and receive an instant tax receipt. Your support is crucial to Wanamaker Organ restoration and music programs so please give generously! You may also renew by phone at (484) 684-7250 during office hours. All members receive The Stentor, our in-depth quarterly illustrated newsletter, restoration chronicle and historical journal. Those giving gift subscriptions to The Stentor can also do so right on this page! Thank you!
To begin, simply select your desired membership level. Note how many premiums you may be entitled to from the list at right, and click “Renew NOW & Select Optional Premiums”. In the screen that pops up, select your premiums, and the membership renewal will be added to your cart. When you are finished, check out by clicking the Red Cart in the upper right corner (scroll up).
$2000 Grand Benefactor
$1000 Benefactor (18*)
$500 Patron *********
$350 Champion *******
$250 Supporter ****
$200 Sustainer ***
$160 Sponsor **
$110 Centurion *
$85 Contributor *
$65 Basic + Added Gift
$52 Basic
$49 Basic Student/Sr.
*Asterisks indicate the number of premiums for which donors are eligible at each giving level.
Once you select your Membership Level, click “Renew NOW,” above, then on the next screen hit the Renew button below the Premiums list radio buttons. You may continue shopping, THEN CHECK OUT USING THE RED SHOPPING CART IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER. Scroll up to find it.